Friday, February 27, 2009

Another writing post . . .

So here we are again with another writing post and no pictures. . . I will post some of our very cute house and wonderful church when Joshua's office is up and running. The other computer is still crashed . . . I did a doozey on it! Right now I am at the library here in Delta, OH, which is right across the street from the church and about 3 blocks from the house. Everything is going well. I opened the last box yesterday or maybe the day before . . . I can't quite remember! But it is done! Now, I just have to get to cleaning . . . you'd think the house would give me a break but it didn't. Do you want to know the VERY best part of this house? The kitchen is in the middle away from the front door. It could be a total mess and a visitor would never know it! ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL? Yes! It is is. It's also got a wonderful dishwasher and garbage disposal. . . I love the house and once you see pictures you'll love it too! It's great! Well, that's about all. I've got some more e-mail to check and then go and get some books for Abby. Will post pictures soon . . . I hope!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Moving . . .

Well, yes. It is with a lot of sadness but a lot of excitement that I announce that we are moving. Sadness because of the people we are leaving but excitement because we know we are following the Lord and it is exciting to see what God will do. We are moving to Delta, OH. Joshua has taken a position as some say "the head pastor" (which is kind of funny) of Calvary Baptist Temple. The reason that is funny is because The church is so small there's not room for another pastor. But yes, I know what they mean, he will be the pastor. I am personally very excited to get to hear him preach every week. He is SUCH a good preacher. I'm not just being a "dutiful wife" and saying that. He is honestly a VERY good preacher. He does an excellent job with the teens but when he stands up in the pulpit, especially at Delta he does a superb job. He is so good. He holds your attention (not that that is the most important part), but he also gives you meat. It has been neat to see the way the teens have grown spiritually, mostly due to his excellent preaching. We are hoping the Lord does great things with us and especially with Joshua. Anyways, back to leaving. We are going to be extremely and already are really sad to be leaving. We do have a house in Delta and are moving this coming Thursday. It's a nice house, two levels, three bedrooms, one bathroom, big kitchen (the most important part!) dining room, living room, laundry room, DISHWASHER!!!!!, garbage disposal, big back yard, 3 blocks from the library, 3 blocks from the park, 5 blocks from the church. . . we are excited, about getting there but not about leaving. We are going to miss everyone at Gospel Light terribly!